
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

This is a photo of my father, mother, my father's 5 brothers & their wives and my father's sister. This was the last photo of everyone before my dad passed away. He's the one with the baseball cap on. I lost my dad to Alzheimers as some of you know and and a few years ago I lost my Uncle Earl (he's the one with his arm around my dad) to the same disease. Between my dad and his siblings there were 27 grandchildren of which I was born 2nd. We all had a very close loving family relationship growing up. There were always get togethers every Sunday at my grandmother's house as well as every holiday and summer vacations. We all lived close by each other so my dad was able to stay close to all of them. This is how I will always remember this large, loving family.
