
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

I need to explain this picture! Because I have learned. As much as my new found knowledge can be someone else's DUH moment, for me it was an AHAA moment. haha

I have been scrapbooking for 10 yrs now. And while purchasing paper/cardstock, I knew it came in 2 ways;
1-White cored paper. - Where your outer laters of the paper are colored, example purple, the the core is white. Usually seen from the borders or when you actually cut the paper.
2- The Core of the paper matches the outer layers of the cardstock.

Never understanding the importance of this factor. It never bothered me at the time, and the way that I use paper, it never mattered. UNTIL NOW... I officially get it ;)
10 yrs in the scrapbooking craft, and I am still learning!

I WAS aiming for purple and pink lilacs when quilling. But unfortunately, the white core of my purple paper decided to teach me a lesson. :)
But where there is problem, there is a solution.
Restart with a different more appropriate paper?
Or, roll with the mistake and make it your own?

In crafting, I hope you choose what I chose. Rolling with your mistake and make it your own. It's from our mistakes that we learn and evolve and possibly re-invent the machine!
Now I am just quilling, nothing reinvented there. But I do believe the mistakes we do will be overseen by the ensemble of the project, or force you to think outside of the box and create masterpieces.

As you can see from the photo. 6 quilled flowers, ALL made from the same purple cardstock, that I decided to play with different coloring techniques to fix this issue. Markers, Ink, Crayon etc.
