
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

Recently I bought some beautiful seasonal Fall flowers at Michael’s for my parent’s grave and decided that the perfect day to bring them would be Sept 29th, which is celebrated in the Catholic religion as The Feast of the Archangels. It was a cloudy day; so peaceful & quiet; very pleasant- not hot; birds singing. Such a perfect day for flowers!
The view from my parent’s resting place is the leaning statue of Jesus looking and reaching up to Heaven. As you can tell in the photo, the statue appears to be ‘straight’ but you can see the grass line is at an angle. The small framed photo is the arrangement I made for Mom & Dad’s grave. The American flag was placed in their flower vase on Memorial Day in honor of veterans. I reused it because it was in great shape. I think that I will try to keep a flag in the vase with the flowers I bring for my parents. After all, my Dad served in the Navy during WWII.
Please visit my blog for more details and close ups! Have a great & memorable day! Lisa : )
