
Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

I am finally completing my vacation album. I am so bad about working on various layouts and not finishing a complete “book.” As a result, I have lots and lots of layouts created and not printed yet. I gave myself a deadline since Shutterfly’s most recent sale ends today. Now hopefully I can get everything uploaded and ordered by midnight tonight! :) This will be my first shutterfly book and I can’t wait to see what it looks like!

Our visit to the beach at Hilton Head Island was the highlight of the whole trip. We couldn’t stay long because we didn’t want to hit rush hour traffic. The kids really enjoyed playing in the sand and water. The tide had created little pools in the sand, which were perfect for little ones to play in. Daddy and Wyatt said 1,2,3,go and ran into the water again and again. One time he got a big drink of sea water and he didn’t like that much. Wyatt thought it was neat when Mommy showed him how to draw in the sand with his toes and fingers. Hunting for seashells was his favorite part. Once he started that, it was all he wanted to do...just like his love for rocks at home. Brielle had fun splashing in the water and she kept eating sand. Mommy was taking pictures like crazy. It isn’t every day that we get to visit the beach!

Supplies (hope I didn’t forget anything):
Paper - In Distress Paper Pack by Lynn Grieveson (
Notebook Paper Pack by Katie Pertiet (
Postmark, Brackets, and Layout (page 1) – Ad Challenge 5/27/07 by Katie Pertiet (
Layout (page 2) – blog freebie 12/1/07 by Shandy Vogt (
Tape - blog freebie Cocktail Hour Sampler by Christina Renee and Amy Hutchinson (
White Stitching by Natali (blog freebie) (
Red Stitching – Assorted Zig Zag Stitch Foto Frames by Anna Aspnes (
Font – Pea Jenny Script
