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This is my page for the If I Had to Do it All Over Again challenge on the Digichick blog. Papers, butterflies, bow, brown doodle flower, square alpha and mats from Calico Harvest by Sugarplum Paperie. Newspaper flowers, twisted ribbons, swirl and acrylic heart from Field of Dreams by MK Creations. Font is Aquarelle. Thank you so much for looking! Journaling reads: The majority of my high school years were spent pursuing a very specific single goal. All the courses I chose and so many of my extra-curricular activities were geared toward the making of a future Air Force officer. I spent so much time and effort for one dream that I didn't leave myself with many alternatives. I was a good student - I made honor role repeatedly and graduated with high honors. I was a good softball player - I was voted as the most valuable offensive player for my team during my senior year and was chosen as first string center field for the Colorado All-State tournament. I was a good leader - I was the commander of my CAP squadron, president of my church youth group, and a representative of my high school at Girl's State. I thought I was doing all these things in order to make myself well-rounded. But I was actually doing all these activities in order to make myself attractive to the one school I wanted to get into. And guess what, I didn't get into it. Oh sure, I had a backup plan that I never thought I would need; I would go to a local university and apply again the following year to the university I really wanted to attend - the university that had already rejected me once. So when the time actually came for me to head off to university, I was moving to a university that I had no real knowledge of and absolutely no desire to attend. And I hated every minute I was there.If I had to do it all over again, I would definitely do it differently. What do they say, hindsight is 20-20? I would apply to other universities with similar aerospace engineering programs. I would apply for scholarships – with my grades and school record I could have gotten into a number of good schools on a scholarship. I would also consider entirely other routes and studies as well. I would tell that 17-year-old girl to get ready for one of the biggest heartbreaks of her life - and that the best way to get ready would be to have more than just one alternative. I would tell her to not be so narrow-minded and that it would actually be smarter to diversify even more. I would absolutely tell her to loosen up! I would open my eyes and tell myself to see a larger world and pursue it, instead of just one small portion. I would tell myself to prepare a Plan B just as wonderful and adventurous. Thanks so much for looking!
