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As we decorate and get ready for Christmas I can honestly say that one of our highlights this year has been getting out the 2008 December Daily and looking back at how we spent the holidays last year. I am really glad to have so many traditions, recipes, photos, and decor all together in one book. And with good intentions I put a DD together for 2009, but as life is a little more hectic this year it sits empty (I mean, ready for next year…) So to all of you putting together your DD this year- cheers- you will love it and it really is fun to look back since this time of year seems to fly by.For my cover I used 2 8x8 7gypsies board book pages, painted and mod-podged, several of the pages are acrylic, stiff felt or recycled cardboard that I covered with patterned paper. Thanks for looking.
