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This is challenge 7 of the 52 Scrapbooking challenges, an artistic photograph. This is the bottom of a celestial birdfeeder in my yard.

Title is:
Are God's Hands Empty?
Journaling is a verse on the top which reads:
Don't worry about anything; Instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Phil. 4:6
On the tag tucked behind the photo it says:
I saw this empty birdfeeder this morning. It made me sad that the hands had nothing to hold. I started thinking about how we are supposed to put everything in God's hands. If we don't, then this photo is just like God with empty hands. He waits for me to put my 'stuff' in his hands. So, I asked myself today, "Are God's hands empty?". I better fill them up. I pray that God's hands are full today.

The file folder is a roledex card.
