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Give a Cheer
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pictures of seth at four days and again at a year...every time I look at the pic of me holding him, I think about how I never could have known how much joy he would bring into my life...and still does...

the white strip with the red square on it pulls up to reveal mine and Seth's favorites from his first year...the journaling is long, but here it is:

Mom’s favorites in the first year:

favorite body part: cheeks
favorite baby sound: his belly laugh
favorite new skill as a mom: snuggling, Hannah was NOT a snuggler
favorite baby gift: his moo-ing cow from Dan and Angie. He loved it!
favorite baby purchase: boy clothes, especially “little man” clothes
favorite man: Daddy
favorite helper: Hannah, on good days
favorite confidante: my mom
favorite source of baby advice: friends who have kids the same age
favorite place for feedings: on the black glider rocker
favorite entertainment during feedings: Hannah playing and the TV
best baby soothing tactic: walking outside
best mom soothing tactic: scrapbooking
favorite nickname for Seth: Handsome
favorite healthy snack: Craisins
favorite unhealthy snack: chocolate
easiest dinner: chicken nuggets
best way of making Seth laugh: blowing on his belly
best moment since his birth: watching Hannah love him
biggest surprise about being a mom (again): that the hardest thing in your life is that last thing you’d give up

Seth’s favorites in the first year:

favorite song: Hush, by the Soulutions, but sung by mommy
favorite book: What is it?
favorite outing destination: anywhere with sunshine!
favorite game: peek-a-boo or patty-cake
favorite toy: ball
favorite man: Daddy, with Grandpa at a close second
favorite woman: Mommy, with Hannah at a close second
favorite animal: any doggie (“da-ga”)
favorite thing to do in the car: sleep
favorite thing to chew on: frozen waffles (still frozen)
best way to go to sleep: with a binkie
best place to sleep: in his own bed
favorite place to play: wherever Hannah is
favorite noise to make: raspberries
favorite baby food: apples, bananas or peas
favorite restaurant food: Chinese, loves fried rice!
favorite playmate: Hannah
favorite diaper changing entertainment: rolling away from Mom
favorite way to make Mom crazy: recurrent injuries
best way to make Mom laugh: to laugh himself, especially his belly laugh

I used:
bazzill cardstock
cbx pp
cbx rub ons (red images)
heidi swapp ghost heart, jewel, and index tabs
making memories rub on (remember this)
close to my heart stamps and ink
american crafts rub on letters

