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Give a Cheer
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this page was inspired by one I saw done by missbabie, be sure to check hers out too!

I wrote out 100 reasons why I love my husband and then printed it on Velum, the other papers and dicut are Wild Asparagus!

1. He has a grand faith in the Lord
2. He seeks to always be in God’s will 3. He lives in a way that is pleasing to the Lord 4. Kindness is always the rule of his mouth
5. He is faithful to me 6. He is patient with me
7. He is passionate about me
8. He delights in our children 9. His eyes dance with joy
10. The color of his eyes makes me melt 11. He is my best friend
12. He is my lover
13. He is my leader 14. He challenges me to always do what is right 15. He is an incredible partner in parenting
16. He loves me like Christ loves the Church 17. He gives the kids baths
18. He reads the Bible to our boys every night. 19. He is an incredible example to the boys
20. He has an incredible smile 21. He values our family above all else.
22. He works hard every day.
23. He is insanely smart 24. He knows how to shoot a bow and arrow
25. He keeps our home well repaired 26. He stops on the way home for milk without complaint.
27. He calls me Mosey 28. He was simply adorable the first time he told me that he thought he was falling in love with me 29. He gives me amazing kisses
30. His thoughts and actions are pure
31. He catches lizards 32. He works hard to create a grand atmosphere for our boys to grow up in 33. He’s really good at building tents
34. He is fun to be with in a tent 35. He looks great in jeans
36. He has a heart to serve the Lord 37. He has a vision for our family
38. He encourages me in the things I like to do 39. He provides us with our home, and all we need
40.He makes it possible for me to scrapbook 41. His gifts to me are always from the heart
42. He has a swell cleft in his chin 43. He is fun to watch sci-fi movies with
44. He endures girl movies with almost no complaint 45. He can always make me laugh
46. He is incredibly fun to watch when he plays with our boys 47. He leads our home with grace
48. He always fully enjoys a backrub and makes it a joy to give it to him 49. He has great legs
50. He knows just how to fix up pictures and make them perfect 51. He is adorable when he gets a new gadget
52. His love for our boys runs very deep 53. He has built a relationship with each boy
54. He would rather be with me, than with “the guys” 55. He has great hair
56. He enjoys me
57. He has arms that when they are around me, I feel safe 58. He is so strong
59. He can make any computer work any time 60. He can take a bad day and make it good
61. When He touches my cheek it makes me melt 62. He endures patiently the shortcomings of others
63. He is strong in trials 64. He never leaves me when I need him
65. He stood strong when I was in labor with Taye 66. He was so excited when Caleb was born that it made me fall in love all over again 67. He was there for me when Jaden was born
68. He loved Jaden intensely immediately 69. He was right by my side while Carter J was born
70. He takes joy in being in every day of our boys lives 71. He has an incredible smile
72. He always smells so nice
73. He is cute when watching Garfield 74. He always puts scrapbooking stuff in my stocking at Christmas 75. He BBQ’s better than any food I’ve ever had in my life
76. He makes great fajitas 77. He can write a love letter to set fire in my heart
78. He is fun to snack with 79. He writes the most incredible puppet shows
80. He takes our Biblestudy’s seriously 81. He is an incredibly talented artist
82. He has a great body
83. He meant it when he said ‘till death do us part 84. He has great muscles in his arms
85. He has tender loving hands
86. He is a great Sunday School teacher 87. He makes me smile when I can hear him sing in church
88. He makes my heart skip a beat when I catch him looking across a room at me 89. He see’s where I am overwhelmed and steps in and takes care of it
90. He dresses really cool 91. He looks really cute playing Hullabaloo
92. He makes our kids laugh 93. He instructs our sons in wisdom every day
94. He emails me or calls me just to say hi 95. He shares his heart with me
96. He shares his soda with me
97. He puts up with me taking thousands of pictures 98. He is a better nurse to sick boys than I am
99. He puts a lot of thought into gifts for the boys 100. HE IS MINE and I LOVE HIM!
