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Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

My baby suprised everyone by being born at home and delivered by my husband. My whole labor was less than 2.5 hours--and I spent the first hour of it halfway sleeping in bed. His little head was perfectly round because his birth was so fast.

The faded clock in the upper right corner has the approximate time that he was born--we guess it was about 5:40 am. The bottom left "clock" has the month and day of his birth. This layout is such a departure for me because usually my layouts are so colorful. But, the neutrals seemed to fit the mood and highlight the journaling. It's long, but in case you are interested in the story, here it is.

I’m a planner. Having a plan gives me great comfort.
During my pregancy, I wrote an elaborate brith plan
that specified exactly how your birth would be, who would
do what, how, when, where, and why. So you can imagine how
the events of your miraculous birth came as a surprise
Here is a summary of what happened that beautiful morning.
In the months, weeks, and especialy days leading up to
your birth day, I experienced contractions. In the days
just prior to your birth, I had some rather intense
contractions and quite frequently. However, they always
seemed to stop after about 2 hours or so. This made
it difficult for me to determine whether or not I was truly
in labor. On May 29th, I was having contractions all day
long, but they weren’t bad enough to interfere with my
routine. They continued on and off into the night. I hoped
that you would be born soon. They completely stopped
later that evening, so I just decided to go to bed. Later, I woke
in the middle of the night with more contractions. It was
about 3 a.m. I tried to go back to sleep; however, the
contractions were just too intense to continue to sleep.
Sometime around 4 a.m. I decided to take a shower, because
showers are known to either slow or speed labors, depending
on whether the time for birth is right or not. I was timing
contractions with my digital watch. They were 5 minutes
apart. Then suddely they were only 4 minutes apart, then just 3
and then 2--it happened so quickly! I started banging on the
wall of the shower to wake your father. I told him that I
was finally certain that the big day had arrived for your birth
and asked him to pack the car so we could head to the birth
center. Your father was quickly packing the car. I started to
get ready. I was frantically getting dressed and attempting to
fix my hair, pausing every couple minutes to breathe my
way through another contraction. The contractions were
growing more intense and I was not looking forward to the
45 minute car ride to the birth center. I was also wishing
that I had someone there to help comfort and coach me.
Your dad finally got the car all packed. Before we left,
I asked him for a special blessing. After the blessing was
over, I started to have a very intense contraction. I told
your dad that I felt like I was ready to push. He was
shocked and told me not to push. Dad got Trent up
and out of bed so that we could leave. Just then, I decided to
go to the bathroom one last time before we left. I sat down
and my water broke with a huge gush. Instantly, your head
was crowning and I knew that we would not have time
to drive anywhere. Though in shock, I was amazingly calm
and I knew that I was strong enough to bring you safely
into this world. I also knew that your dad was smart enough
and calm enough to help me. Your dad was on the phone
with the midwife, making arrangements to meet her.
Instead, she ended up coaching us through your birth. I stood
in the bathtub. When I felt ready, I gently pushed. You were
born easily in just 3 pushes. Dad reached down and scooped
you up into his arms. You were very quiet immediately after
you were born. It was so surreal seeing your tiny body in your
daddy’s arms. We called 911 and less than 5 minutes later the
paramedics arrived. Luckily, you were healthy and I was too.
It was quite the miracle to witness your birth in such a way.
I’ll never forget the intense emotions of that day
--how deeply your daddy and I were concerned for you
and the quiet and calm way that you entered this world.
We will always feel a special bond with you because of
this expreince. You are such a miracle & we love you!
